Dear Friends and Fans,
I have not been here to tell the tales of my adventures in virgin fucking lately and I know that you are all anxious to get back to the business of me fucking and living to tell you all about it.
Well, that day will soon be here on December 1. Yes, December 1 will be a most active day on our site and you will have an excerpt from Franchesca’s upcoming book: The Virgin Whisperer; Book One, Boy Meets Girl. This first book begins the tale of my search for MY happily after and here at we are all excited to read Franchesca’s take on the adult entertainment business and hopefully how I get my very own happily ever after; after all, Franchescs’s in firm belief that even porn stars deserve a HEA, just like everybody else.
Will I get my happily ever after? Only Franchesca knows how the story ends and she won’t tell, not even me! You will know soon enough, the book releases on January 28, 2017 right after the AVN Expo in Las Vegas, this coming January, which by the way, Franchesca will be attending. If you manage to identify her, then step up and greet her, get her autograph and then send her a photo of you with her card (I’m sorry, but she requests no photographs be taken of you with her or posted on social media) and she will send you the first book of the trilogy as an e-book or paperback, your choice, autographed by the very shy and mysterious Ms. DeNoir. And the first 20 to identify her (she will number your card) will get a free DVD of me and Aleysa courtesy of, with our compliments. For those who don’t identify her until after the first 20, don’t worry, you wont be left out-every 20th book order that sends her an e-mail @ will also get the free dvd. Its a win/win for everyone and for me, too, since I have no clue what adventures or misadventures Franchesca has put me through, but I know they will be great! Fucking incredibly GREAT!
AND so since Franchesca has been absent from us for a while, and she puts those dirty little words from my oversexed mind into vivid descriptions of my antics, I must confess that we’ve held back a sad secret from you; that Franchesca has spent most of the month of October in ICU at a hospital near to her home. She doesn’t want to go into great detail, but she is now in stable condition, has returned to her home and while she is still being treated for the infection that almost took her life, her doctors have assured her that she can continue her activities on December 1, 2016. I also have it on great authority that in spite of how sick she was, she found new uses for her dirty mind with her lover and shown us quite handily exactly where her priorities lie.
So keep checking back, but come December 1, 2016, check us out for new virgins, new adventures for me and as always Franchesca’s trademark dirty little mind bringing you the very best in erotic literature, not that she would ever admit that her erotic writings and the word literature belong in the same sentence much less world. She might post something before December 1, so check back often.
Please tell Francesca that I hope she get’s better soon, sending healthy vibes her way! I can not wait to read her new book she is a great writer. My subscription lapsed a month ago with the holidays coming up I have been so busy but I will definitely re new in December! Not sure if you celebrate The holidays where you are but if you do happy holidays to you and your family.
Much love and support from NY,