Allow me to introduce myself. I am Tommy and I am a porn star. I started my career almost 20 years ago at the urging of a girlfriend. She thought my dick was magnificent, and me, being a full blooded male, okay, make that full blooded and horny male, thought why not get paid doing what I love to do best and that is to fuck women! I gave it a go, found myself an agent, made my first film and I’ve been fucking my way through beautiful women ever since. This career path made perfect sense for me and I have never regretted it. So, about 10 years ago, my agent sent me out on a job to be filmed deflowering a virgin. At the time, I thought that deflowering a virgin was a great idea for a scene and I was wondering which professional actress I would be working with. When I arrived at the studio, I discovered that this wasn’t just any scene, this was an actual job, deflowering an actual virgin in front of the camera. I was so enthralled with the concept I became instantly excited and my dick was hard, hours before we were to start filming, and a little bit intimidated because I couldn’t remember having ever deflowered a virgin!
Blog of the Virgin Whisperer Posts
Hey! Got a surprise call from the producer. It seems there is someone in love with me! She is 18 years old and a virgin and it has been her dream to be deflowered by me. Well, who am I to stand in the way of a damsel and her wish? I told him I was totally ready to help her out.
I was travelling and caught the earliest flight out. I reached the studio straight from the airport. As I walked towards the room, I kept thinking what she will be like. I have met so many girls. Some are talkative, some are shy, some are scared, some are very eager. I know how to put them at their ease as it is never easy for a young girl to lose her virginity no matter how ready she thinks she is
Wow! What an experience and surprise I had today! I was a bit disgruntled the past couple of days as a shoot I was in did not go off well. I was trying to put that behind me by sunbathing in the beach, while consoling Big Willie down there that we’ll have a good day soon. Sergey’s (producer) call was very welcome. I wanted to have a chat with a friend and perhaps have a beer together. I knocked on the door and you could have knocked me off with a feather…what a surprise!
I did not know of the assignment today and Enzio appeared
It’s been quite some time now since I wrote my blog. Not that I haven’t been busy. On the contrary, I have been doing a lot of interesting things like mountaineering, travelling and oh yes, making movies! I do wish that I can write more often to share my work with you. In an introspective mood today so my blog today is a bit…well, you may say philosophical.
An interesting part of my job is going through my fan mail. You may (or probably not) be amazed that a lot, maybe more than half, of my mail is from men. Some are young men with aspirations of being a film star like me, well a porn star rather. Some letters are quite naughty and umm…
The holiday season’s over and I am back at work. I hugged Sergey tight and almost kissed him hard when I saw him yesterday after ages so you will understand how I feel. Boy, I am happy to be back in my role as the Virgin Whisperer.

The old boy down there was almost giving up on me. I was probably a bit drunk over Christmas but I distinctly heard him telling me, with a little wiggle, that he was sure missing the virgins. I had taken up skating in a big way for exercise and every evening would find my way to the ice rink. That was where I saw Sergey glaring at me yesterday. After I stopped hugging him, we walked down to the studio where he guided me over the schedule for the next month or so. The Holidays are officially over! There are good days and then there are bed days, which are way better by the way. After outdoor shoots even in late autumn, I was definitely happy to be inside our warm studio and see a bed back in the shoot. And hey, wait, I distinctly remember another Anna being shot in this set, the Anna Lukina who Renato still remembers with pleasure (your secret’s out, Renaldo). Hmm…that’s funny… two virgins named Anna and the same set after ages… hold on! I am not even going down that path of thought.
Dear Friends and Fans, I have not been here to tell the tales of my adventures in virgin fucking lately and I know that you are all anxious to get…
Hi again!
Now, for all you have been waiting for, the true life adventures of your favorite Virgin Whisperer, I am here to spill it all on our newest virgin; Mirelle Gathieu.
Mirelle came to us, a sweet little French girl who had just turned 18, or so you would think. She was sweet, she was little, she was French, but she was not innocent, she was a tiger! OMFG! There are virgins and then there was Mirelle and Mirelle knew exactly what she wanted!
I know it’s been a while since we’ve talked, but as Franchesca would put it, it’s been a busy fucking summer or a summer busy fucking. Either way it’s been too long and I’m so sorry for my absence.
As absence makes the heart grow fonder, I’m hoping that you will forgive me and be amazed at all the new things we have going on here at studios.
First, we have had a banner year for fan mail and we are so grateful for your input. You have been so supportive of the work we do here and believe me when I say, we are listening to every word you write.
For the most part you have had some creative input into what you want to see in a video and we definitely love your opinions.
But we also have had some very specific suggestions which border on the edge between constructive criticism and down right fantasy.
Mirelle Gathieu 18 years old beautifull virgin girl is coming soon! I am in love Stay with us ( my video with her will blow your mind! I think…
All I can say is WOW…. She did it!
Anna Lukina
Hello There! It’s me, Franchesca, hijacking Tommy’s Blog today. Tommy is either fucking busy or he’s busy fucking, it doesn’t matter which with his magnificent cock, it will be a film we will all wait on hands and bended knees-ha!- for its debut!
Anyhow, I’m here with you today and I know that you have been enjoying some extra video footage of Renato and everybody’s favorite Virgin. Anna Lukina.
To be honest, she was my favorite Virgin. You all know that when I don’t like a certain Virgin that I do not keep my dislike a secret; well it’s time I do the same and tell you about my favorite virgin. And that virgin had to be Anna.